True Stories from History:
People Who Made a Difference!
As Missionary Volunteer teens, tweens, and youth, I encourage all of you to always seek to learn about real life and the Lord's ways from any true story. Of course fiction stories can never teach us reliably so we don't waste our time on those!
Audio Books
Florence-Nightingale: The Angel of the Crime
Up From Slavery: Booker T. Washington
Audio Stories
Angel of Mercy: The Amazing Life of Dorthea Dix
George Washington Carver:
Mr. Creator's Borrowed Brown Hands!
How Andrew Jackson Got his Nickname
True Stories
>An Hour with George Muller
>The Titanic
>A Vision of the Lost: William Booth
E-Book Stories
NEW! The First Woman Doctor: More than a story, it is a fascinating account of the history of Medicine in the 1800s!
Story of Roger Williams
Foxes Book of Martyrs
Providences of the Great War (WW1)
An exciting EBook of stories of God taking care of His people during the first world war; by Elder Spicer.
Mary Jones & Her Bible
One girl's sacrifice and dedication to having her own copy of the Bible!